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Holistic Midwifery Care

I am over 19 years of career as a Private Midwife ,

I am an expert in Midwifery care, Normal birth, Homebirth, Vbac Birth, Waterbirths, continuity models, Antenatal and Postnatal classes, Prenatal yoga, Hipnobirthing, motivational lessons, prenatal massage , and much more ...

I believe that pregnancy and birth are a normal, natural part of life and

that my job is to ensure your safety and comfort during this time.


The goal of prenatal care is to monitor the progress of the baby's development and

to identify potential problems before they become serious for the expectant mother or baby.


During the first appointment, the client will provide me with a complete health and pregnancy

history so that I can identify any problems that may arise during the pregnancy.


During these appointments, the family will have the opportunity to discuss their personal needs,

 previous birth experiences, as well as fears and expectations for the pregnancy.


Through education and natural therapies I help pregnant women reach

their full health potential and and experience birth as a powerful female experience.

I'm  dedicated to making every pregnancy and birth the best experience possible

by pampering the mom the whole nine months.

I see my clients regularly for prenatal care on the usual schedule .

Pregnancy is a Spiritual process. 
It requires Presence and Awareness ... 
You must be aware that you are introducing into the Earthly World a Soul that belongs to the Other World ... 
You must be aware that she/he  has chosen you for her/him evolutionary Path, ...
you have an important task... you agreed to be a link between these Two Worlds ...

Stop ... Listen to what she has to say, what she must teach you ... ..

you savor every moment of these magical 9 months...

you are opening a Portal .. The portal...

A great Door between the Two Worlds ..

and I as an holistic Midwife I find myself to be the Guardian of this Magical door ...

and this requires Awareness, Acceptance and Dedication ...
Giving birth is a fundamental life process that offers you and your family the opportunity for great joy , personal growth and changes.

Such an important journey  wants the personal care, attention and company of an Holistic midwife .

I have trained in many modalities over the 19 years of my career ( ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopatic remedies, massages, yoga, reflexology, cristal therapy, aromaterapy...) which has given me a variety of knowledge and skills , to take care of women in a personalized way.

Here you will find the services that as a holistic midwife i can offer you:


🌸Midwifery care - labour and Birth

🌸 Antenatal Classes - Birth preparation

🌸motivational birth classes

🌸Prenatal Yoga 

🌸  Hipnobirthing


🌸Natural Labour Induction



🌸Ayurvedic & Tradtional Cinese Medicine Consultations for Pregnancy wellbeing

🌸morning sickness treatments

🌸Hemorrhoids Treatments

🌸 Pregnancy Discomfort Treatments


🌸Prenatal Singing for health, safety and painless childbirth


🌸 Preparation for Pelvic floor & Perineum Massage 

🌸Holistic Cephalic Version For Breech

🌸 Prenatal massages

🌸Post partum home visit for mum & baby 

🌸breastfeeding advice and support

🌸Crystal Therapies,


🌸Birth Scars Treatment

🌸Stress/ 🌸 Anxiety/ 🌸 Insomnia/ 🌸 Panic Attack /🌸 Depression Treatments

🌸 Reiki 

🌸 and so on 

Prenatal Yoga

In one Course ... the benefits of multiple disciplines to Accompany, support and maintain your 9 months

in physiology and prepare you optimally for the time of labor ....

as only an HOLISTIC MIDWIFE  knows and can do ...



💕you will learn the correct breathing for 9 months and for labor,
💕 you will learn to activate the pelvic floor so as to avoid the famous cut at the time of delivery,
💕you will learn visualizations and relaxation techniques so as to get prepared physically

   and mentally at birth
💕 you will learn the famous and important MotherHood  Song,
💕you will learn the correct positions to shorten the time of your labor and to reduce the typical problems  of the 9 months such as back pain, symphysis pains, vomiting, nausea,
💕you will learn the correct boost to accompany your child to the world in a gentle way ...


in short, a complete course AS ONLY ONE MIDWIFE  CAN DO IT to reach the pre-set goals we will use:

🌛🌕🌜Respiratory re-education

🌛🌕🌜Gravitational gravity Hata yoga 

🌛🌕🌜Re-equilibrium of the Energy Centers

🌛🌕🌜Teaching of 6 Makko-ho and Dosha divided by trimester of pregnancy

🌛🌕🌜Art Therapy

🌛🌕🌜Music therapy applied to exercise

🌛🌕🌜Chromotherapy applied to 9 months

🌛🌕🌜Plantar self-reflexology techniques to attenuate and prevent the classic gravidic disorders

🌛🌕🌜Activation and discovery of the pelvic floor

The physical activity aimed at the time when the pregnant woman is located allows:

the dissolution of tension, the work of introspection, helps to make a conscious choice, to find an answer, to listen internally, to know oneself in a deeper way, to strengthen one's inner resources, to support the opening of pregnancy and to prepare physical and mind at birth and all that follows.


It therefore helps to work on all bodily, behavioral, emotional, hormonal levels coming to directly influence your endocrine balance, neurovegetative, placental function allowing you to help you free Endorfine ...


 Studies show that these tecniques  have a strong prevention impact compared to many complications:

🌛They promote placental circulation

🌛They encourage maternal adaptation

🌛They tone up the muscles without tiring them

🌛They promote a healthy circulation of blood

🌛They balance the neuro-endocrine system

🌛They stabilize emotions

🌛Promote the correct presentation of the fetus, helps him to put himself upside down

🌛They prevent back pain with related pelvic tensions

🌛They prevent premature birth

🌛They help to contain the child

🌛They teach awareness to the woman

🌛They help to recognize areas of "tension and imbalance" in the body

🌛Increased flexibility and relaxation capacity

🌛Mitigate the classic "nuisances" of pregnancy: nausea, vomiting, headache, swelling, heartburn

🌛They help to manage the dynamics of labor and delivery because it works like the contraction and relaxation pain we will see

🌛They help to control postpartum depressive states

🌛prepare for the "giving birth" experience

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